Huskies rock the Middle Ages!


Feudalism and Falling Asleep by Jenna, Cece, Gillian, Ghias and Hannah

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Feudalism pop-up book coming soon!

A Medieval Love/Hate Story by Unknown

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Peasants and Serfs project by Unknown

Who made this project??

Peasants and Serfs are the same kind of people.

Work- Farming was the main work of a peasant. Peasants farmed on the lords land. The really poor peasants worked and had no money to use other than to buy food. The revee made sure that peasants did their work. This spot was chosen by the peasants. The steward, that was sometimes a peasant, looked after the lords land. A lord ruled over a piece of land that the king gave to him. The village police man or the Hayward made sure all the rules were being followed. Some other main jobs were carpenters, blacksmiths and craftsman.

Holidays and Festivals- Holidays and festivals were a big part of the peasants life. Peasants were able to get off working in the fields during holidays and festivals. Christmas was one of the many holidays that the peasants celebrated. This was when Jesus was born. He was the son of God and founder of the Christian religion. They had a lot of  holidays and festivals- They had one every month-such as, Easter, St. Valentines day, Midsummer’s eve, All fool’s day, St. Crispen day and many, many more. All fool’s day is present day April fool’s day. This was when all the jesters and fools played pranks and jokes on people. They celebrated many of the holidays we do today.

Home- Most peasant houses were built by the peasants living in them. The usual home was made form wood, wattle and duab. The wood they used to make the house was mostly oak that they cut down by them selves or had a lumber-jack cut down. The daub-made from mud, clay, horse hair and animal dung-was used to seal everything and keep the water out. The floor was dirt and it was dirty. In the house they had a cooking fire and it burned all day. Also it was placed in the middle of the floor. Craftsman homes had a window to help them sell their products from the house. Most houses were either 1 or 2 stories high. The second story if a house had one, could’ve been a attic or loft.

Religion- Peasants took religion very seriously.  They were Christians, and there life’s went around their religion. The church, could be a as high in power as the king. They were able to overthrow the king. Churches had harsh laws. If these laws were broken there was harsh punishment. Some of their religious practices were baptism, burial masses and communion. Most peasants practiced religion by celebrating holidays and the sabbath. Leaders of the church also known as Bishops sometimes served on the kings council. The village priest helped the sick peasants and if he was able to he tought the young peasants.                                                                             

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