Huskies rock the Middle Ages!

Italian Trade

In this video “Don’t Snap In My Ears” Roussos and Steve Lee argue about if trade is a good or bad thing. Steve Lee insists that trade is a very bad thing, I mean America already has an obesity problem, but “Don’t Snap In My Ears” Roussos won’t be swayed from believing that trade is a good thing. During this heated conversation these two newswomen focus on Medieval Italian trade, seeing as it’s Steve Lee’s homeland. So saying, I won’t keep you any longer, here’s our video:

 Medieval Italian Trade.


Now, post video, did you like it? Was it better or worst then you thought it would be? Be back next time when Steve Lee and “Don’t Snap In My Ears” Roussos lead an even more heated discussion on whether or not America has an obesity problem.

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